Saturday, February 25, 2006


by Callie Herd

Many ask me why I send out emails and share information the way that I do. I have learned over the years what it means to give back to your community and to see the rejoicing, happiness, hope and love that result.

I started my journey of community service in the early 1990's. I always volunteered but never to this degree. I looked deep inside of me to find my purpose and how I could make a difference.

I first started volunteering with the Art Services group at FedEx. One of the activities I took on was at the National Civil Rights Museum. I soon became the lead coordinator that represented FedEx. After the death of Alex Haley in February of 1992, my dedication as a volunteer was tested. With the help of a community services representative, we issued a call for volunteers. Within two hours, we received over 100 calls—more than enough to assist with the events the National Civil Rights Museum arranged to commemorate Alex Haley.

From this event, FedEx approached me to be the chair of the first Civil Affairs Corporate Neighbors Team. Never before in my life had I led anything in this capacity; but they believed in me and gave me the opportunity. Our "Dream Team of Community Services" focused on humanitarian projects. I chaired this team for three years and received the Federal Express Volunteer of the Year Award for 1993 and 1994. Our team changed the way FedEx employees looked at the United Way Memphis Food Bank Operation Feed Campaign. I chaired over 200 coordinators; we were the #1 team for Memphis. We focused the campaign on over 20,000 Memphis employees. We placed the campaign on a new level and became the #1 Corporate Neighbor Team during that period. We also had the first FedEx Family Day at the National Civil Rights Museum. After serving as chairperson, I continued to work with Civic Affairs as a volunteer and this past summer, I worked as a coordinator for the Operation Feed Campaign. Our department won "Most Creative Campaign" within FedEx.

Currently, my venture in community services has been with preparing high school students for college. We should seriously look at our current situation, come together and know that "it takes a Village" to bring our children on a positive path and to have hope for a better tomorrow. Sharing my information with others won't hamper anything that belongs to my child. In essence, what is meant for her, she will receive. My hope is that we all start sharing and looking out for one another.

I have a host of friends and associates. We share and circulate information to others. We must always seek to find the reason or our purpose in life. We must also follow through on information and never assume that opportunities are over until we research them.

Currently I have a purpose to help students/parents learn how to seek things for themselves and set their goals for the better things in life. We should always look at our options and never limit ourselves. In the end, life challenges will always go to the person who thinks he/she can.

Copyright © 2004 by Callie Herd

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